UI/UX Design
Services for

If you are struggling to realize your business ideas, DreamX is here to help. Grow from the first steps with our UI/UX design services for startups.
 Healthcare Website Design Services

Give your idea a
chance with our UI/
UX design services
for startups


Starting a business is always a challenge. You may have an excellent idea, but you also need strategic planning, dedication and even a stroke of luck to succeed. Every year, 305 million startups are created worldwide, however, only a tiny percentage of these manage to survive in today’s stormy market. Why is that? There are myriad reasons. Often, young businesses fail to identify their target audience, underestimate financial requirements, or just lack operational expertise. Sometimes, the reason for failure is quite simple - the inability to present itself. In other words, a startup easily fails due to poor UI/UX design.

Are you thinking about launching a startup? Note that you will have one chance to make an impression. And this is where a UX design agency for startups can make a difference. DreamX designers firmly believe that a startup's success is not just about having a groundbreaking idea - it is about creating something that's visually appealing, easy to use, and deeply engaging. We craft digital experiences that resonate with your target audience and help your business get rooted.

UI/UX design services for startups we provide

Our design team works with startups across all industries and funding stages. Whether you are at the early stages, such as pre-seed or seed, or in the growth stages like Series A, B, or beyond, we are here to support you with innovative design solutions.

Startups services

Prototype (pre-MVP) design

This is the first step to test your idea. In simple words, we check your product’s first impression by creating a low-fidelity prototype design with just one core feature to see how your product will solve the problem. It is created for internal user testing only and is not allowed to the market. This way, we validate your digital product with literally no investment.


MVP design

A minimum viable product is the next stage of the design process. This is a fully functional version of prototype, but with only the essential features needed to solve your target audience's core problem. The MVP design allows you to present your product, gather real user data, and see if there is a true market space for it.


Startup website design

Your website is your digital storefront, the first impression that grabs potential users. We focus on user experience that communicates your value proposition. It means a website with intuitive navigation and a visually compelling design that reflects your brand and strategically attracts a continuous user flow.

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Startup app design

Our startup UX designer team crafts apps to simplify user interaction. The ultimate task is to make your app function flawlessly so users can complete tasks efficiently and come back for more. Iterative design processes, user testing, and continuous refinement allow us to turn your app into a tool that delivers valuable user experiences.

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Startup branding

A strong brand is your business backbone. Our role is to convey your startup's values, mission, and unique selling points with the help of visually compelling elements such as logos, color palettes, typography, and brand guidelines. We work on each design solution to make you recognizable.

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How do we deliver UI/UX
design services for startups?

At DreamX, we believe in a collaborative approach. Our expert team combines its UI/UX design expertise with lean startup principles. It means research, prototyping and testing. The goal is to create designs that sprints alongside your startup, ensuring successful launch and development.



Our journey begins by getting to know your startup inside and out. We delve into your business goals, target audience, and the unique problem your product solves.


Startup UX design

Next, we focus on the user's experience. We prioritize intuitive interactions, clear information architecture, and problem-solving features that keep users engaged. Professional UX design for startups will bring you customers and retain them.


Startup UI design

UI design for startups combines eye-catching aesthetics with a laser focus on user needs. We craft clean layouts, intuitive navigation, and a user interface that anyone will find friendly and understandable.


Clickable product

To truly understand how your product will feel, we create a clickable prototype. This interactive model lets you experience the user journey firsthand, find the strong and weak sides and make amendments if needed.



Finally, we deliver a comprehensive design package that includes everything developers need to bring your vision to life. This ensures a smooth transition from design to development and a successful launch.

Why choose us as your UI/UX design agency for

Launching a startup is a path full of ups and downs. Having the right design partner is a necessity and not a whim. Our UI design agency for
startups has the skills and knowledge to validate any business idea and offer a design solution for it.

Experienced UI/UX team

Experienced UI/UX team

DreamX is a team of talented designers who understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by startups. We create solutions that are not only beautiful but also allow you to strategically grow your business.

User-centered design

User-centered design

End users are the heart of every successful project. In-depth user research and testing allows us to offer design that ideally matches your target audience needs and expectations. This approach is a guarantee your customer will come back.



Our agency fully understands the importance of confidentiality. That is why we offer a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to protect your intellectual property throughout the design process. Whatever information you share with us – it will remain private.

Agility & flexibility

Agility & flexibility

Today’s market is changing at a fast pace. Our agile approach allows us to quickly iterate, respond to feedback, and adjust to changes. When we work on a project, our designers stay on track and deliver results efficiently.

Transparent workflow

Transparent workflow

From start to final delivery, you will have a full picture of the project workflow, milestones, and progress. You are free to comment, offer ideas and make informed decisions throughout the design process.

Flexible payments

Flexible payments

Usually, startups have restricted budgets. So, we offer a flexible payment system where you pay on a weekly basis for actually completed work. Our goal is to make high-quality UI/UX design services affordable for everyone.

Get acquainted with some of our UI/UX design

Dive into a variety of projects that showcase our expertise in crafting user-centered interfaces and intuitive user
experiences. From mobile apps to complex web platforms, see how we bring design thinking to life.

How can UI/UX design benefit my startup?
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UX stands as the cornerstone for startups, shaping user satisfaction, promoting their brand and services. A fluid, user-centric journey allows young companies to distinguish themselves in the highly competitive market.
When should I hire a designer for a startup?
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Consider hiring a designer as soon as you have a core concept for your startup. A professional can help validate your idea through prototyping and craft a user-friendly MVP that gathers valuable feedback.
Which types of startups does your UI/UX design agency typically work with?
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At DreamX, we work with startups across various industries and stages of development, from early-stage projects to those looking to enhance their user experiences.
How long does it take to complete a UI/UX design project for a startup?
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The timeline of a UI/UX design project depends on the scope of the work. For instance, a simple mobile app design might be completed faster than a complex enterprise platform. Need an accurate timeline for your specific project? Reach out to us for a consultation. We will be happy to discuss your needs and provide a customized timeline estimate.
What are the costs involved in UI/UX design services for startups?
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The cost of our UI/UX design services depends on several factors, including the project’s scope, complexity, and specific requirements. To get a personalized cost estimate for your project, please contact us. This way, we can understand your needs better and provide an accurate quote.

Have a project in mind?
